Saturday, January 11, 2014


Wiki tells it like this...."Adventure is an exciting or unusual experience. It may also be bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome. The term also broadly refers to any enterprises that are potentially fraught with physical, financial or psychological risk..."

Having covered, to different degree's, "Adventure", we have now "Tessered".

Wiki tells it like this...."A Wrinkle In Time", by Madeleine L'Engle
In the story, Mrs. Who and Charles Wallace explain to Meg that they will be traveling by "wrinkling time" through a tesseract and that "the fifth dimension's a tesseract. You add that to the other four dimensions and you can travel through space without having to go the long way around. In other words, to put it into Euclid, or old-fashioned plane geometry, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points."[8]

Here are a few things we saw while working our way through the wormhole...

Wind Turbines along Route US 90
Sunrise at Seminole Canyon State Park, Texas
A walk along a deserted old roadway.
Bruce woke with a raging head cold...otherwise he would not be wearing the wimpy red turtle fur. Interesting that they had to post this advice....
Two hundred and seventy five feet to the water!
Judge Roy Bean....Heard of him? Interesting to read about. It was probably not easy to live in West Texas in the 1800's...and if you broke the law you were in for all kinds of bad luck. This guy was a nut case and Justice of The Peace in Langtry Texas from July of 1882-1886...Yet, in his later years he was known to help the poor and supposedly always made sure the schoolhouse had enough wood to burn in the winter. A mixed bag of a guy.
It is interesting that this building, bar, billiard hall and court, still stands today. Now a museum in the small town of Langtry which now is the home to fifteen residents. The winds just howls through this town filled with crumbling buildings from a day, mostly, gone by.
Beautiful endless skies....
Visitors along our route...or we along theirs.
Sunset at Marathon Motel and RV Park, Marathon Texas.
More sunset....
A fine Outhouse Sunset...
The Feng Shui at This Hotel and Park is warm and inviting...
Still setting...
Must be bustling in Summer...
Bruce loved these joints....
Danny and Mindy are the host, hostess and owners of Marathon Motel and RV Park...Danny has a bit more photo experience then I...check out these amazing photos...


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