Frank stops by our humble abode at the Silver City KOA for morning coffee on his way east.
I sometimes stop ten miles or so ahead after dropping Bruce off for his ride. This time I found a dirt road going up onto a hill and there I waited for him. He wasn't far behind me as I was only driving about forty miles an hour, kind of strolling down the roads peacefully.
He looks pleased to have a companion for his break after biking twelve miles.
"Coming up a long hill after Blacksmith Canyon I look on the horizon and see something on the hill. It's Sarah. Perfect timing and place for a break. We even pull out the chairs for the first time on a break. And I pose for Sarah." ~ Bruce
"Posing." ~ Bruce
While waiting for Bruce I ran in to my old friends from St. Mark's Florida. Small world!
Coming down the canyon into Arizona
Camp for the night, Roper Lake State Park~They gave us a site right on the water, all alone.
Ducks and birds abound. There are great batches of Quail. Too cute with their little heads and their bobbing feather headpiece. I tried to get pictures but could not get close enough. They are very fast.
Anyone know what kind of bird nest this is?
View from the water.
Great flocks of small birds danced back in forth across the moon until the dark when they all seemed to fall out of the sky into the bushes.
I am doing hospital competencies. Need I say more. Following your travels is a marvelous way to regain my sanity and regain perspective that there is life after hospital competencies